Regulations: The Collegiate Strides

Sunday December 17, 2023


The Foulées Collégiales will be organized in Seclin on Sunday, December 17 by the Hauts-de-France Athletics League with the support of Seclin Town Hall and AC Seclinois as well as numerous volunteers. 

Article 1 – EVENTS 
9:30 a.m.: 10km timed, with classification

Price: 9 euros
7 euros for FFA Licensees The event is reserved for people born before 12/31/2008

11:00 a.m.: 5km timed, with classification
Price: 5 euros
The event is reserved for people born before 12/31/2010

11:05 a.m.: Healthy strides – Jogging and 5km hike, untimed
Price: 5 euros

11:45 a.m.: 1.3 km - chicks and youngest children (born from 2011 to 2014)

Price: Free 12:00 p.m. : 1.3 km - Youth races, baby athletics, athletics school

(born in 2015 and after)
Price: Free All events are open to Handisports.
Joëlettes, in limited numbers, with the agreement of the organization, are authorized to participate with a start from the rear of the peloton of runners.

Registrations are open online, with secure payment.
As soon as registration is completed, the participant receives a confirmation email of their registration and the amount of the transaction.
Joëlettes and anyone in a wheelchair cannot register for competitions.
No registration on site on race day, no paper registration.

Registrations close on Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. within the limit of the number of bibs available. The organizer reserves the right to close registrations at any time. 

Regulations for running events 2023 (modified by the FFA steering committee of June 22, 2018)
Any participation in a competition is subject to mandatory presentation by participants to the organizer of an event outside a stadium in France :

  • An Athlé Competition , Athlé Entreprise , Athlé running issued by the FFA, or a “Pass' J'aime Courir” issued by the FFA and completed by the doctor , valid on the date of the event . (Please note: other licenses issued by the FFA (Health-Leisure, Supervision and Discovery are not accepted);
  • Or a sports license, valid on the date of the event, by an approved federation, only , on which must appear, by all means, the non-contraindication to the practice of sport in competition, of Athletics in competition or running in competition (FC Défense, FF Adapté Sport, FF Handisport, FS Police Nationale, Fédération des ASPTT, FS et culturelle de France, FS Gymnique du Travail, UFOLEP).
  • Or a medical certificate of absence of contraindication to the practice of competitive sport or competitive athletics or competitive running , dated less than one year from the date of the competition, or its copy. No other document can be accepted to attest to possession of the medical certificate.
  • Foreign participants are required to provide a medical certificate of absence of contraindication to the practice of competitive sport, competitive athletics or competitive running , even if they hold a license issued by a federation affiliated to the IAAF.
  • For minors , the athlete and the persons exercising parental authority jointly complete a questionnaire relating to their state of health, the content of which is specified by joint order of the Minister responsible for health and the Minister responsible for sports. The persons exercising parental authority over the minor athlete certify to the federation that each of the sections of the questionnaire gives rise to a negative response. Failing this, they are required to produce a medical certificate attesting to the absence of contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned dating back less than 6 months.

This medical certificate must be written in French, dated, signed and allow authentication of the doctor.
If it is not written in French, a French translation must be provided.

Note: according to the sports code, athletes must present a license for the discipline concerned. Licenses issued by the FF Tri (French Triathlon Federation), FFCO (French Orienteering Federation), FFPM (French Modern Pentathlon Federation), UNSS and UGSEL are therefore no longer accepted.

Info: as soon as a medical certificate is submitted by the runner on the platform, it is generally validated within 24 hours at most, if it is obviously valid. Runners then have the opportunity to check the status of the registration on the registration list. 

Article 5 – TIME LIMIT
The maximum time allocated for the event is:

- 5km: 50min - 10km: 1h30
After these deadlines, the bib and chip will be collected by a member of the organization. Competitors considered out of the race may continue under their own responsibility and must then comply with the provisions of the Highway Code.

Article 6 – WITHDRAWAL
Due to the costs incurred by any cancellation (bank charges), there will be no refund in the event of a package.
The organization will propose the postponement of registration for the following year upon presentation of a medical certificate justifying the absence due to injury or illness.
For any cancellation request, contact the registration department.

Paul Drouot Stadium, Boulevard Joseph Hentges in Seclin
Saturday: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday: from 8 a.m. until 30 minutes before departure
The bib will be returned on the condition that the file is complete, that is that is, your supporting document (medical certificate or license) is validated by our services.

Article 8 - JURY
The competition takes place according to the sporting rules of the FFA
The jury is made up of FFA officials, under the authority of an official referee designated by the FFA. Any claims may be made in accordance with federal procedures. Their decisions are final.
Any accompaniment (person without a bib) will result in the disqualification of the competitor.
Officials have the authority to disqualify any competitor who behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner.

Article 9 – TIMING
Timing will be carried out using a chip attached to the bib. All race registrants will be given a bib which can be used as a race regularity check at various points along the course. A timing mat will be installed at the start and another at the finish.
The ranking is based on real time (time between the two stacks).

Article 11 – COURSE
10 Kilometers : 2 loops of 5 km
5km: 1 loop of 5 km
The mileage will be indicated every km.

There are no lockers, changing rooms or showers.

Article 13 – INSURANCE
For this race, the organizers take out civil liability insurance.
Civil liability: The organizers are covered by a policy taken out with the AIAC.
Individual accident: Licensees benefit from the guarantees granted by the insurance linked to their license; It is the responsibility of other participants to take out personal insurance covering bodily injury to which their sporting activity may expose them. 

Article 14 – EMERGENCY
An emergency system is put in place to be able to intervene as quickly as possible at all points of the course thanks to the race PC located near the finish.
The rescuers and the doctor present may declare a runner out of the race for medical and safety reasons.
In the event of an accident involving a person, any competitor is required to provide assistance or notify the organization as quickly as possible (signalers, or first aid station on the course). 

The rankings will be displayed live on the organization's website.
There will be no display of results at the finish site of the events.
Any complaint concerning the results must be made to the referee of the event within 30 minutes following the posting of the results.
No request will be processed after this 30' deadline. 

Any abandonment of equipment, any throwing of waste (eg: gels), outside the places provided for this purpose (refreshment zones) will result in the disqualification of the competitor at fault. 

In the event of force majeure, natural disaster, climatic conditions, or any other circumstances, in particular those endangering the safety of competitors, the organizer reserves the right to cancel or neutralize a or several events without the competitors being able to claim any reimbursement.
In the event of cancellation due to the tightening of health rules, the organizer will provide a full refund of registrations.

Article 18 – IMAGE RIGHT
Any participating runner accepts the rules of this event and authorizes the organizers to use photos, films or any other recording of this event, without financial compensation, on all media including promotional and advertising documents produced and distributed throughout the world and for the longest duration provided for by law, regulations, treaties in force, including any extensions that could be added to this duration.

Article 19 – CNIL
In accordance with the provisions of the “Informatique et Libertés” Law No. 78-17 of January 11, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify personal data concerning you. Through us, you may receive proposals from partners or other organizers. If you wish, simply write to us indicating your name, first name and address. Ditto for the non-publication of your results on our site (email of the organization) and that of the FFA (email: This email address is protected from spambots. You must enable JavaScript to view it.) 

Registration for the race constitutes unreserved acceptance of the above regulations in their entirety.

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